Archive for 2020/03

Trump Controls The Narrative

“When asked if he would make the decision to loosen social distancing recommendations even if it went against the advice of federal public health officials, Trump said: ‘If it was up to the doctors they might say shut down the entire world.’” “‘We haven’t yet even seen signs that the growth is slowing, much less […]

The Clampdown

“‘This is serious.’ Garcetti scolds L.A. for not staying home as coronavirus spreads” My inbox is littered with Republicans telling me I’ve got the facts wrong and it’s not that bad and we just need to save the economy…meanwhile, while I’m at it, can I stop beating up on Trump, we’re all in this together […]

One More

Tom Rush sent me the absolute best explanation I’ve gotten re the coronavirus: Dr. Emily Porter explains exactly why staying home is saving lives It’s Representative Katie Porter’s sister, who is a doctor. It’s only five and a half minutes long, and it’s very clear cut, not boring. She explains the math of the coronavirus […]

News Update-Day 11

What part of stay home and interact with nobody else, NOBODY, do people not understand? I was trying to take a day off, but my inbox and the things I’m reading in the paper are driving me crazy. Let’s start with this article I actually read last night, when I saw it retweeted by Ethan […]