Archive for 2011/12

Another Vail Tale

$116 a day. That’s what it costs to ski at Vail this week. And that’s positively insane! The dirty little secret? Almost no one pays it. I bought an Epic Pass. Last March. For $649. Good for not only every day at Vail, but Beaver Creek and ski resorts as far-flung as Lake Tahoe, I […]

Tone-Deaf Businessmen

In retrospect, suing P2P traders was the beginning of the end. Don’t listen to the RIAA disinformation campaign. Music is the canary in the coal mine, the first business to be transformed by the Internet and still leading. What the music industry didn’t know was not only that it was being blindsided by P2P trading, […]

Tulsa Time

They were line dancing. I’m from New England. It’s what’s inside that counts. We’re self-satisfied and superior. We might have dreamed of being cowboys but deep inside we’ve got contempt for anybody south of the Mason-Dixon Line. We laugh at not only their accents, but their customs. Why? Because we’re insecure. If New York isn’t […]


You’ve got to own the future. It’s great to ride the crest of today, but those who survive anticipate the future and their place therein. That’s the flaw of the music business, from top to bottom. What is "Billboard"’s plan? Now that record sales mean almost nothing and information is free online, where does it […]