Archive for 2013/10


The album is dying in front of our very eyes. In other words, what kind of crazy fucked up world do we live in where Katy Perry’s new album “Prism” only sells 287,000 copies in its debut? One in which everybody’s interested in the single, and no one’s got time to sit and hear your […]

The Amazon Book

I’m only twenty percent in (yes, I’m reading it on a Kindle), but I can’t recommend it heartily enough. Because first and foremost it’s readable. Content is not king if you can’t understand it, if you’re not called to it in the middle of the night. If someone doesn’t want to hear your record when […]


CROWDFUNDING Peaked. You hardly even hear about it anymore. Another Internet fad that didn’t live up to its promise. It all depends on the excitement of benefactors. Right now, they’re elsewhere, and too many are disappointed what they funded did not come to be, or did not meet their standards. Furthermore, those who raised money […]

The Internet

You’re gonna pay in the future. Yesterday there was a piece in the “New York Times” lamenting the write for free mentality of the Internet. The truth is there are two classes, those who get paid and those who don’t. And those who do would never work for free, they’re professionals. I’m not saying people […]