Archive for 2012/07

E-Mail Of The Day

Re: Income Inequality Killed The Music Business Bob: This is Bonnie Hayes, a songwriter and musician from the SF Bay. You and I have exchanged email before. Always enjoy your posts! I’ve been teaching at the Berklee College of Music all summer, in their regular 12 week college program, including several advanced classes of students […]

Income Inequality Killed The Music Business

There’s great music today, there is in every period, but why were the sixties and seventies such a fertile era, why did we get not only the Beatles and the Stones, but the entire British Invasion, the San Francisco Sound and the great acts of FM radio? You’ve got to start in the U.K. Every […]

The Lehrer Book

This book is positively fabulous. First and foremost it’s not an easy read, certainly not initially. You’ve got to wade through all this brain science that would turn most people off. Malcolm Gladwell is a much better writer. That’s why Gladwell is a household name and Jonah Lehrer is not. But that doesn’t make Lehrer’s […]

Rhinofy-The First Traffic Album

It was a stiff in America. And it was different from the original U.K. release, with a lame green cover. Traffic was one of those bands most people didn’t pay attention to until they broke up. But the musicians paid heed. Because they covered a number of the songs from the disc. People knew these […]