Archive for the 'Apple' Category


This is what unregulated free speech looks like. Unusable. What did we lose with Steve Jobs? Simple user interfaces, a reduction in complication, leaving the past behind to go into the future. And with the loss of Twitter, we’ve given up instant news. Used to be if you had a question about what was happening, […]

Apple Antitrust/Streaming Future-SiriusXM This Week

Tune in Saturday March 23rd to Faction Talk, channel 103, at 4 PM East, 1 PM West. If you miss the episode, you can hear it on demand on the SiriusXM app. Search: Lefsetz


The two biggest stories in America today are AI and the Sphere, and neither were in the public consciousness a year ago. Oh that’s not right Bob, what about Taylor Swift, and Gaza? Well, the Israeli/Arab conflict is always simmering, it’s always in the news. As for Taylor Swift… This is not a new story. […]

Computer Lesson

I’m writing the below because I constantly interact with boomers online, especially doing podcasts, who are technologically impaired, even though they’re musicians and use Pro Tools. Boomers are all about the external, they’ve got an iPhone 15 and the latest MacBook Air, they tell you how much they know, but oftentimes they are clueless. If […]