Archive for 2005/08


We’re conditioned for nothing to go wrong.  We’re warned.  TV stops regular programming.  Tells us to look out. And then nothing happens. We feel so safe.  We drive automobiles with multiple airbags.  We wear helmets riding our bikes.  We’re protected.  It can’t happen to us. And then it does.  It fucks with something primal.  Something […]

The Mixed Tape

I believe in honesty. In a sea of complete bullshit, people telling tales to get ahead, I feel alone.  I’m looking for someone who will tell me their truth. I used to find this truth in records.  They’re the ones I love the most.  Joni Mitchell’s "Blue".  And Jackson Browne’s "Late For The Sky".  They’re […]


Eva Longoria I guess MTV has finally matured.  Just like the networks, it now employs TV stars to goose ratings.  USED to be that the music stars were bigger than any TV star.  It’s not that TV stars have gotten any better, it’s that music stars have gotten worse. Mariah Carey The biggest selling female […]


The Killers Not as good as the hype.  Sure, better than a lot of the shit, but you wonder why music keeps declining in sales?  If THIS is the best we’ve got…  With all the hype, someone will go out and buy a Killers CD and then swear off buying music. And what if you’re […]