Archive for 2012/11

Rhinofy-Heart Like A Wheel

It’s criminal Linda Ronstadt’s not in the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame. If she were ugly, she’d have been in eons ago. But the east coast establishment can’t fathom that a hedonist from the west coast could be beautiful, live the free and easy rock and roll lifestyle and end up the darling of […]

Priceless Video

“Album of the Day (Ep. 9): Ryan Adams & the Cardinals – Cold Roses” What I love most is the crooked glasses! 1. I found out about this from Matt Holt, of Wiley Publishers. He’s a diehard Ryan Adams fan. 2. Matt found this video from Ryan Adams’s tweet: Best Review I Ever Got. Honored. […]

Fascinating Statistics

Week Ending Nov. 25, 2012. Albums: Crash And Burn Winners and losers. That’s the world we live in today. Despite huge promotional campaigns, wherein these acts get reams of old wave media mentions, it turns out the public either wants you or it doesn’t, either knows of you and must buy your new work, or […]

Paperless In Little Rock

I just got off the phone with Michael Marion. He runs the Verizon Arena in Little Rock. He does paperless for every show. EVERY SHOW! The 4,000 best seats, that’s the only way you can buy them. If he scales the house down from its usual 18,000 seat capacity, he reduces the percentage of paperless […]