Archive for 2019/07

Medicare For All

This is why Republicans win and Democrats lose. Did Republicans tell Trump his wall was a fantasy, that Mexico wouldn’t pay for it? Are they even countering his claim that China will pay the tariffs? NO! Because they’re united, all in the name of victory. Just ask Moscow Mitch. He keeps his troops in line. […]

Debate #1

Delivery trumps ideas. This is why Roger Ailes was so powerful. He realized politics was show business. Fox was exciting to watch, irrelevant of the content. He didn’t necessarily put on the best talent, but the talent that would interest and intrigue the viewers most. Megyn Kelly was a superstar on Fox, she was a […]

Final History Of The Beach Boys-SiriusXM This Week

Tune in today, Tuesday July 30th, to Volume 106, 7 PM East, 4 PM West. Hear the episode live on SiriusXM VOLUME: HearLefsetzLive If you miss the episode, you can hear it on demand on the SiriusXM app: LefsetzLive

Road Trip

On a rattlesnake speedway in the Utah desert “The Promised Land” Bruce Springsteen The speed limit’s 80. When I used to drive from L.A. to Salt Lake, it was 55. This was long before Sammy Hagar decided he couldn’t drive that speed. But after getting a ticket in Nevada for going 70+, I never drove […]