Archive for 2014/03

St. Paul & The Broken Bones

This year’s Alabama Shakes. I’m a triangulator. I wait until all indicators flash red. Then I pay attention. I’m not saying I did not check out St. Paul & The Broken Bones from the initial e-mail regarding their music, but when friends start tweeting about it, when more people start e-mailing me about it, I […]

Rhinofy-Frank Zappa Primer

PEACHES EN REGALIA Because most people would not believe it was him, didn’t know it was him and were surprised it was him when they heard it coming out of the speaker. An instrumental, you cannot help but conduct the theoretical orchestra with your hands. For the newbie, for the non-fan…you’ll be immediately enraptured, especially […]

Wu-Tang Album

“Why Wu-Tang Will Release Just One Copy Of Its Secret Album” They’ve already achieved their goal. Money comes after awareness, and today awareness is all about cool. How can you create something that gets people to forward your message? That’s how I found out, I don’t read the almost worthless “Forbes” on a regular basis. […]

Popcorn Time

Watch Richard Greenfield’s YouTube video: Popcorn Time Thank god we’re in the music business, we’ve already been through the transition, we’ve already been pushed back to zero, we’re in an era of rebirth so strong that if you think the music business is in trouble, you’re not in it. Blockbuster acts make more money than […]