Archive for 2020/03

Livestream-Craig Newman Singalong

Craig Newman – Facebook Craig Newman, agent at APA, tummler par excellence, is having another singalong today, Sunday, at 1:30 PM west coast time (i.e. 4:30 PM east coast time). This is positively a G-rated affair. Craig sings and tells stories along with his daughter Sadie. We tuned in last week and it was fun, […]

News Update-Day 10

Are you at home? You should be. I feel bad for all those who live alone. We need each other. I once had a shrink who told me all we need are food and water, and then he moved away. I believed him, he was wrong, we need human contact, which the internet provides, but […]

The Luck Reunion

You can’t watch it. There are two immutable internet paradigms: 1. Everybody won’t be aware of what you are doing, no way, there’s no way to reach everybody, the channel is just too clogged. 2. We live in an on demand culture, people want to experience it when they want to experience it. Of course, […]

Take This Seriously!

I really don’t want to overload your inbox, certainly not with coronavirus material, which you’re inundated with constantly. But I keep getting e-mail from people who are not taking the threat seriously. Who are leaving the house and visiting with other people. Let me make it simple… When you get together with somebody, you’re getting […]