Archive for 2019/11

Your Favorite Merch/Souvenirs/Collectibles-SiriusXM This Week

Tune in tomorrow, Tuesday November 25th, to Volume 106, 7 PM East, 4 PM West. Phone #: 844-6-VOLUME, 844-686-5863 Twitter: @lefsetz or @siriusxmvolume/#lefsetzlive Hear the episode live on SiriusXM VOLUME: HearLefsetzLive If you miss the episode, you can hear it on demand on the SiriusXM app: LefsetzLive

Death Threats

Now what exactly was Scooter Braun’s crime here? He made a business deal. Big Machine sold rights it held to Scooter, who had the money to pay for them. Done. Fair deal. On the other side, you have Taylor Swift, who made a bad deal. Based on emotion, she left Big Machine for Universal, delivered […]

Peter Garrett-This Week’s Podcast

This almost didn’t happen. It was all set, but then Peter’s people said he had a hard out at ten to twelve and I didn’t think that would be enough time so I asked for an earlier start, and he canceled. Then I said the original start time would work and it was back on […]

New York City

There’s nothing like it! Although I’ve been all ’round the world and there’s no place I’d rather live than L.A. Sure, there’s the weather, but even more there’s the anonymity, and the phoniness, as a refugee from the east coast, it’s still refreshing, no one’s in my business and I’m not in theirs but I […]