Archive for 2019/06

Sebastian Maniscalco

Who? If I hadn’t heard him on Howard Stern I’d have no idea who this comic was. Furthermore, I watched some of his Netflix special and had to turn it off, I didn’t find the guy funny. That’s how far we’ve come. Then worldwide stars begged to be on the VMAs for exposure, to the […]

Maybe You Should Talk To Someone

“Maybe You Should Talk to Someone: A Therapist, HER Therapist, and Our Lives Revealed” I’ve met Lori Gottlieb. She spoke at Kate’s bookstore. She was promoting a book about anorexia. How she fought back the disease in her teens. But we all agreed she still had it. She verged on painfully thin. And she boasted. […]

The E. Jean Accusation

What is the definition of insanity? Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result? Why in hell does the left think that pointing out Trump’s peccadilloes will cause his base to do a 180 and suddenly decry the President? This is what’s wrong with the Democrats. They don’t know how […]

Button Pushers-SiriusXM This Week

Songs that you just can’t stand to listen to! “Lefsetz Live,” Tuesday June 25th, on Volume 106, 7 PM East, 4 PM West. Phone #: 844-6-VOLUME, 844-686-5863 Twitter: @lefsetz Hear the episode live on SiriusXM VOLUME: HearLefsetzLive If you miss the episode, you can hear it on demand on the SiriusXM app: LefsetzLive