Archive for 2018/09


He acted like a guy who always gets his way. There’s a path. I’m not sure the underclass can see it, I’m not even sure the middle class can see it. Where you go to a good prep school to get into a good college to go to a good graduate school to end up […]

Dorothy Carvello’s Book

Anything For A Hit If “Anything For A Hit” was written by a man it would be a best-seller. Every, and I mean EVERY wannabe should devour this book. Because it delineates the game and how it is played, and it’s much worse than you’ve ever dreamed. Oldsters know all that. But they’ll read for […]

Greatest Guitarist Of All Time?

That’s this week’s Sirius Show topic. Tune in Tuesday September 25, on Volume 106, 7 PM East, 4 PM West. Phone #: 844-6-VOLUME, 844-686-5863 Twitter: @siriusxmvolume/#lefsetzlive


Everybody knows the prep school kids are the worst offenders. You think we live in an homogeneous society, all starting from the same line, with the same information, with melting pot backgrounds with various pluses and minuses that balance out in the end. You’re very wrong. I went to a melting pot high school. There […]