Archive for 2017/10

Robert Plant On Howard Stern

He was reluctant. The Stern show is the go-to place to hawk your wares. Obviously someone told Plant this, but he didn’t really get the memo, that you were supposed to disgorge your history and inner feelings in an expurgation of your life. Robert was just there to promote his album. He wasn’t sure what […]

The Bert Berns Movie

‘Bang! The Bert Berns Story’ There’s a moment in this movie, when Solomon Burke is sitting on his throne, telling the story of “Cry To Me,” when he opens his pipes and starts to sing a cappella, that your heart will melt and your body will tingle because you know you’re in the presence of […]

New Rules

NO ONE KNOWS EVERYTHING If your goal is world-domination, give up. Hell, people don’t even know about shootings these days. You’ve got to operate in your niche and hope to cross over but don’t expect everybody to know you or your work, it’s utterly impossible, the only one with 24/7 attention is Trump. POLITICS RULES […]

The Future Of Major Labels

They are going to pay more and own less but they are not going away. Think of the labels as marketing entities. They can help grease your path to success. But do you need them? Only if you make popular music, i.e. songs that are on the hit parade, i.e. the Hot 100, otherwise they’re […]