Archive for 2017/07

Kid Rock For Senate

That’s what I don’t get about the libtards, THEY TAKE THE BAIT! Kid Rock is not playing to you, he doesn’t care about you, and neither does his audience. You’ve got your knickers in a twist, saying the country’s going to hell in a handbasket, you’re denigrating Rock’s looks, age and music and he’s laughing […]

The Defiant Ones-Episode Four

It’s not about the money… It’s about the money. That’s a music business aphorism. For those who didn’t go to college, that means, according to the Oxford Dictionary, built into my Mac, “a pithy observation that contains a general truth, such as ‘if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.’” You don’t have to go to […]

Jack Tempchin At The Grammy Museum

There weren’t that many people who were in the room where it happened. And in time these stories are gonna disappear. And we want to hear them. You see once upon a time life was boring. And the way you dealt with that was to go out. Now it’s nearly impossible to get someone to […]

How Hip-Hop Conquered America-Chapter One

Frequency of product, oftentimes FREE! Whilst the oldsters were bitching about the moving of their cheese, the demise of the old paradigm, hip-hop slid in to fill the void, utilizing the new tools to exploit the new world, while the rockers and country denizens were still worrying about the radio the rappers knew it was […]