Archive for 2016/11

Me On The Recode Podcast

I think this is a pretty accurate representation of who I am and what I believe.

Roadhouse Blues

Roadhouse Blues – Spotify Roadhouse Blues – YouTube I woke up this morning and I got myself a BEER! I didn’t buy “Morrison Hotel.” The Doors’ debut is one of the best albums extant. Sure, it’s got “Light My Fire,” even “The End,” but my favorite is “Crystal Ship,” and I have a soft place […]

Capitol Records 75th Anniversary Party

So I’m telling Don Was how good the Stones album is. No, actually that’s untrue. I was talking to Jerry and Sue. Who I know from the Palisades. They were fish out of water, they’re social friends of Barnett, they wanted to know…WHO ARE ALL THESE PEOPLE? So I introduce them to Don Passman, who […]

Wilson’s Wisdom

The people telling us to give Trump a chance are the same overpaid wankers who missed the tsunami that got him elected. The most educated person I’ve ever known was Tony Wilson, majordomo of Factory Records. Want to know more? Pull up “24 Hour Party People,” the movie they made about his life. You’ll learn […]