Archive for 2016/11

Leon Russell

Leon Russell – Spotify I do not want to be the guy who writes obituaries. Especially of faded acts most people have never heard of. But Leon Russell was a superstar, albeit for a very brief time. He rose from obscurity, after hiding in plain sight for years before that, to become one of the […]

Nothin’ But The Truth

Nothin’ But The Truth – Spotify Nothin’ But The Truth – YouTube There’s no room for white men in the Democratic Party, hardworking individuals who believe they’re doing the right thing and just want to feed their families, and drink a little beer… That’s what Van Jones said on the David Axelrod podcast. I’ll be […]

Leonard Cohen

Leonard Cohen – Spotify A great song can be sung by anybody. And even though two covers of Leonard’s work are legendary, Judy Collins’s “Suzanne” and Jeff Buckley’s “Hallelujah,” it’s Don Henley’s cover of “Everybody Knows” that sticks with me, that I sing in my head again and again…remember when we could still sing songs? […]

Trump Wins

You can’t say we weren’t warned. He defeated all his Republican challengers. Brexit told us that the elites were out of touch with the rank and file. The disconnect is not only about economics, but attitudes, education, identity… That’s right, you went to a good college and pulled yourself up by your bootstraps and… Everybody […]