Archive for 2016/02

Keeping Score

Money is not the only way to do this. We admire our rich people, but we love our artists. You get to choose, which path are you on? Some cross over, Steven Spielberg is a good example. He’s rich, influential and admirable, he may not always reach the artistic heavens, but his work touches people. […]


How could this show be this bad? Are Martin Scorsese and Mick Jagger really this out of touch? As for Terence Winter, he was involved with the “Sopranos,” I guess that proves that David Chase was the genius there. I lived through 1973. Although there were no cell phones, there was plenty of boredom, the […]

Today’s Life Lessons

1. You can’t make it alone. No one is complete, everyone needs help and guidance. 2. Be the best you you can be, that’s your only hope, don’t try to be someone else, it’s your uniqueness that’s your calling card. Your goal is to be yourself and then to glom on to someone who can […]

Old Versus New

OLD MUSIC BUSINESS Labels were searching for talent, they felt if you were good enough, even if nothing like anything else, they could find a market for you. NEW MUSIC BUSINESS They just want something they can sell, hopefully just like everything else that is successful. OLD MUSIC BUSINESS They built it. NEW MUSIC BUSINESS […]