Archive for 2009/08

Royal Scam at the Gibson

1 Never trust a surfer. I was told that early in my tenure in Utah. The surfers came from California.  They were used to living on the beach.  The only requirement for the sport was a board.  They weren’t used to lift tickets, lodging, they’d steal you blind. But the rest of us ski bums, […]

Gaucho at the Gibson

Don’t go to the show for the album! Remember being put on the spot?  Could have been reciting a poem in elementary school, playing golf in that tournament.  With the pressure on, you concentrated hard, but you were somehow stiff and ineffective.  But when the moment of truth expired, you were suddenly fully alive, you […]

Aja at the Gibson

MY OLD SCHOOL 1 Insiders will tell you the best Steely Dan album is the second, "Countdown To Ecstasy", the one that ended their touring career, the one sans any hits. I disagreed. But last night I became a believer. "Bodhisattva" blistered. "Show Biz Kids" swung. But "My Old School" was STAGGERING! "I remember the […]

JK Wedding Dance A Viral Fake?

"What the Great Recession has crystallized is a larger syndrome that Obama tapped into during the campaign. It’s the sinking sensation that the American game is rigged – that, as the president typically put it a month after his inauguration, the system is in hock to ‘the interests of powerful lobbyists or the wealthiest few’ […]