Archive for 2009/08


TALENT PRICES Expect those checks to decrease. Don’t know if you’ve been following the movie business, but the studios have taken back compensation.  Rather than give eight digit salaries and profit participation from dollar one, they’re making almost everybody, actors and directors, wait for their money (if it comes in at all!)  The same thing […]

Young & Stupid

Craig Ferguson 7/21/09 The number one criticism I get is I’m old. I don’t only get it from the youth, who cry "OLD MAN" as a pejorative, as if having a wrinkle is akin to possessing a contagious disease that requires you to reside on an island, alone, with your same irrelevant type, I also […]

You MUST Watch This Video

Social Media Revolution "Ashton Kutcher and Ellen DeGeneres have more Twitter followers than the entire population of Ireland, Norway and Panama." That CAN’T be true!  Ashton Kutcher just passed a million, wasn’t he in a race with that old wave media company? Figuring Ireland had the most people of the three, I Googled, and felt […]

Welcome To The Boomtown

Jay moved to L.A. to play in a band. Twenty five years ago you didn’t sit at home and create a YouTube video, hoping to draw attention to yourself, you ventured to either coast, made buds, formed bands and tried to make it. Jay had a modicum of success, but it didn’t pay the bills.  […]