Archive for 2008/09

Indian Gown

Music is supposed to make you feel good.  It’s supposed to wrap you in a blanket, make you feel everything’s going to be all right. I heard this Whiskeytown track on XM, "I Still Miss Someone".  Being country ignorant, I didn’t know it was written by Johnny Cash.  I needed to hear it again, to […]

A Bit More Metallica…

Sarah Palin gave her vaunted speech during the Republican Convention in front of 30 million plus television viewers.  Conventional wisdom, and ain’t that an interesting turn of the phrase, is that she killed.  So, does it matter what she does hereafter, especially if it doesn’t unfold in front of such a large audience? It’s almost […]

Say Yes!

BECAUSE YOU HAVE NO CONTROL! My inbox is filling up with Metallica stories.  How they canceled an interview with a journalist who downloaded their album from the Pirate Bay, how they told fans at their O2 show to "Put the fucking cameras away, put the phones away.", how they didn’t want videos uploaded to YouTube. […]

Kings Of Leon #1!

The most fascinating story of today is in the "New York Times".  Wherein professors are revolting against the high prices of textbooks.  And releasing their own works online, for free!  In one case forgoing a $100,000 advance.  The silver lining? Greater distribution.  A wider spread of the information.  Don’t Buy That Textbook, Download It Free […]