Archive for 2008/09


I’ve been trying to understand the financial crisis. I finally sat down with the newspapers and decided to read every article.  Surprisingly, I found the answer not in the "Wall Street Journal" but the "New York Times".  The problem is denial.  The investment banks just wouldn’t admit their assets were worth less than they thought […]

We Can’t Make It Here

We revered the musicians because they spoke the truth when nobody else would.  In an election cycle where candidates feel lies will fly, live on on the Web for the biased and uninformed to pick up on and spread, where is the picker telling the truth, for us to rally around? Nowhere to be found. […]


Hi Bob, It’s interesting to see how my local daily newspaper, Sydsvenskan (Swedish for "the south Swedish"), gets worldwide recognition. The canceled Metallica interview was commented by the editor-in-chief and legally responsible in his weekend editorial: "I can understand the record company’s anger, but it would at the same time be odd if the reviewers […]

MySpace Music

In an era of portability, where you can make a phone call from the top of Mt. Everest, why do the record companies focus on STREAMING?? Cool idea if it’s still 2000, a year before the iPod hit the market, but launching a streaming site now is like AT&T announcing your landline will be advertiser […]