Archive for 2008/09

Trent’s Questionnaire

This is why the major labels are fucked.  You can’t ask for help IF YOU’RE SUING YOUR CUSTOMERS! I’m writing about this as a public service.  Because, unless you’re a Nine Inch Nails fan, you’ll probably be completely unaware of it.  Not that Trent gives a shit, he’s concerned about his core.  But, my point […]

Yankee Stadium

Did you read all the stories in the "New York Times" about the last game there? Well, not the last game, but the experience celebrities had at the ballpark?  More specifically, Paul Simon? Where have you gone Paul Simon, a nation turns its distracted eyes to you.  You made one of the great solo albums […]

Tell No One

But I’m telling you. The "New York Times" did an article on the summer’s best movies.  Not the biggest, the ones hyped by the talking heads and magazines that live off their heroes and heroines’ exploits, but the best…the sleepers, the secret pleasures. Serious Pleasures: Season’s Sweet Spots I’ve given up on the movies.  But […]

Americana Music Awards

The only reason I know they’re happening is I’m on Chet Flippo’s e-mail list.  But I wasn’t planning to tune in, even though another punter e-mailed me they were being broadcast on XM. But I’m driving home from Will Rogers Park, pushing the buttons on my radio, and after sampling the 60s, 70s and 80s, […]