Archive for 2008/09


What we have is an asshole candidate for President with an inadequate running mate beating up on the press, telling reporters they’ve got the story wrong and the candidates should be left alone. Utterfuckinghogwash. But it’s not too different in the music business. Unable to sleep last night, I started checking my e-mail.  Every day […]

Giving That Heaven Away

I’m lookin’ ’round for that sixties soundThose days are goneAnd all of us acid droppin’, world stoppin’, be-boppin’ freaksAre just hangin’ on We used to save up for our records.  The radio was our religion.  We listened long enough to be inspired to buy albums.  And when we purchased those twelve inch discs, we played […]

Rick Rubin

How come your favorite artist can’t make another album like the one you lost your virginity to, that saved your soul after the breakup, after your mom died? When you start off, your goal is to open the door.  You knock so hard.  At first no one is paying attention.  If you persevere, and have […]


That’s the problem.  iPods are too hard to use.  You can never find a USB cable.  And what’s with iTunes launching automatically, that SCARES PEOPLE!  And thank god you can turn off automatic sync, to make it harder.  And can you PLEASE tell me how to buy from the iTunes Store!  What’s this credit card […]