Archive for the 'Movies' Category


Netflix – “Buried: The 1982 Alpine Meadows Avalanche”: 1 By now you’re probably aware of the tragedy at Palisades Tahoe, the in-bounds avalanche that took a life. Now the odds of dying in an avalanche are miniscule. Assuming you pay attention to the rules, assuming you have respect for the outdoors, assuming you’re in […]

Chinatown Punk Wars

1 The punk bands survived, the new wave ones did not. Which is exactly the opposite of what one would have thought back then. You’d think the more left field, the less mainstream, the shorter the lifespan. But it turned out 20/20 and the Pop and the Know and the Kats…  The list goes on […]

Re-The Immediate Family

How can I sleep after reading your review?   That was the coolest thing to read.  Seriously tears for me. I want to wake my wife up but she’ll kill me. Love to you Bob.  Thank you. Denny Tedesco ______________________________ Thanks so much for the nice review of The Immediate Family Documentary.  Fred Croshal and I […]

The Immediate Family Movie

Trailer: I didn’t expect it to be this good. I thought it would be a sales pitch for the new band of these ancient, road-weary musicians. But really, it’s a sequel to the Wrecking Crew movie, but it’s even better. Yes, it took years for the Wrecking Crew movie to come out, it was […]