Archive for the 'Marketing' Category

Everything Is A Cult

The casual listener is dead. The best analogy is television. Boomers will remember when you watched what was on, even changing channels was a big deal, you had to get up off the couch before the remote. And then came the remote and ultimately cable TV, with its plethora of channels. But recording was still […]

The Core

It’s all about your core audience. I know you’ve heard this a zillion times, all that stuff about a thousand true fans, but that’s not what I’m talking about here. Sure, first and foremost you need a fan base, but once you have one, IGNORE THE EXTERNAL, IT’S A WASTE OF TIME! I know, you’re […]

Political Texts

I’m sick and tired of political candidates blowing up my phone looking for money. First and foremost is Val Demmings, running against Marco Rubio for Senate in Florida. Every damn day she texts me for money, AND I DON’T EVEN LIVE IN THE DAMN STATE! And the odds of her winning are low anyway, right […]

Trevor Noah Leaves The Daily Show

The goals have changed, and you need to change accordingly. Used to be Johnny Carson was a god. Forget that he’s already been forgotten, at best a distant memory in the minds of boomers and Gen-X’ers, but David Letterman is fading too. Don’t expect Netflix to continue to lay out the big bucks for his […]