Archive for the 'Marketing' Category

Jesse Welles Update

It’s not about the album. It’s not even about Spotify, et al. It’s about social media. And somehow the algorithm didn’t serve it up to me and every story about him didn’t mention this. I’ve got to give the guy credit. He broke through doing it the newfangled way. Going direct to the customer with […]

E-Mails Of The Day

Re: Why You Should Be On TikTok my company is currently working 3 of the top 10 billboard records right now on tiktok. 99% of the records we’ve broken have been from work on titkok . The remaining 1% was one campaign that was an anomaly that broke on IG (a pussycat dolls remix for buttons […]


Subject: Re: More Fires Hi Bob, A friend just sent me this link, it’s to a googledoc spreadsheet that lists over 400 musicians and music industry people and other creatives who lost their homes.  I thought you might want to see it, if you haven’t already. The sheer scope of it hits home harder […]

Seth Godin-This Week’s Podcast

Business guru extraordinaire!