Archive for 2022/12

Dino Danelli

He was the first star drummer. Except, of course, for Ringo Starr, but he was a Beatle. The Beatles were gods, everybody else was a musician. And musicians the Young Rascals were, except of course for frontman Eddie Brigatti, with that space between his teeth. We knew everything about the bands, all we had were […]

The Twitter Bans

This isn’t about social media, this is about authoritarianism. This is what happens when one person has too much power and exercises it willy-nilly. Not only can no one stop him (or her!), a good percentage of the population supports them. That’s right, Elon Musk is now a hero to the right. Which is kind […]

Taylor Lorenz-This Week’s Podcast

“Washington Post” tech correspondent Taylor Lorenz is the number one reporter on social media. We go through all the platforms, their history and where they are going. Taylor is deep into it, she’s not only a scribe, but a player in the sphere. She’s the one you need to listen to!

Turbocharged Stars

You can’t avoid Elon Musk. There are only three superstars in America today, Elon Musk, Donald Trump and Kanye West. You can’t avoid them, everybody knows who they are and everybody has an opinion on them. Used to be records were ubiquitous, now it’s people. This is what the internet has wrought. For a minute […]