Archive for 2022/06


“The trans Twitch star delivering news to a legion of LGBTQ teens – Known online as Keffals, Clara Sorrenti’s streams are one of the few spaces in media where people can hear the news from a trans person”: This is what I’m talking about. The above article is not behind a paywall, and you should […]

You’ve Got It, I Want It!

We are watching this absolutely fabulous show on HBO Max. Considered to be the best series to ever come out of Hungary, you’ll find it on the service under its Anglicized name, “Golden Life,” as opposed to its Hungarian one, “Aranyélet.” We are only six episodes into a three season run. But whew, I’m flabbergasted. […]

Protests Don’t Work

Stay home. When you get the clarion call to go to some destination to wield signs and slogans in support of your mission I hope it makes you feel good, because it has no effect on the cause whatsoever. Mass protests in America are all based on those that took place during the Vietnam era. […]

Re-The Supreme Court Decision

What can we do collectively? Democrats are weak because so many of them are women. Women are weak because they historically have been kept isolated one per home and so have not learned how to take collective action. They have been pitted against one another since childhood in the competition for the best husbands and […]