Archive for 2019/06

The Rolling Thunder Revue

This movie is made for tomorrow not today. Kind of like “Don’t Look Back,” a footnote when it was released, a legendary artifact from the past today, a rite for college students. Maybe because that era does not exist anymore. When performers could be mysterious, and stay that way. Today it’s all about self-revelation, documenting […]

Disappearing Earth

Disappearing Earth: A novel I crowdsource my reading. It’s the same thing I do with my viewing. I’ve only got time for great, and when it requires a huge investment of my time… I’m trying to make sense of the world. And I can’t. You see there’s too much input, too many stories. In the […]

That Was The Week That Was

This was the week Elizabeth Warren’s candidacy was taken seriously and Donald Trump lost all credibility. And “Old Town Road” continued to triumph in the music sphere, because it’s a fad driven by social media and that’s how far we’ve sunk these days. It comes down to substance. And experience. The entertainment business believes it’s […]

Karla Bonoff-This Week’s Podcast

Quite possibly the best songwriter of her generation, Karla’s most famous for the Linda Ronstadt covers, but her own versions have more emotion and both resonate and sting, depending upon the track. Of course I saw the credits for the cuts on “Hasten Down The Wind,” but the real revelation was when Karla’s first LP […]