Archive for 2019/05

Lake Success

Lake Success: A Novel I almost cried when this book ended. I was sitting in an Air Canada 777, staring straight ahead, unable to move, never mind start reading something else. Reading was my first love, before baseball, before skiing, before music. I loved the library. I’d take out seven books at a time. The […]

Canadian Music Week-2

Is cannabis the new music? The week before CMW, Neill Dixon had a cannabis conference. With 3000 attendees! It’s the wild west, nothing is settled, it’s like music in the days of Napster. Then again, Robbie Robertson spoke about the sixties. How you had to listen to a record to learn which way the wind […]

Canadian Music Week-1

Linda Perry insulted the audience. Unfortunately, I didn’t hear the beginning, I walked in when someone from the audience was singing. After that, Perry said she was looking for rock stars, and no one in the audience was one. She said you can feel it, you can see it, the way they dress, the way […]

John Meglen-This Week’s Podcast

One half of the Concerts West team, John is responsible for putting Celine Dion in Vegas. He’s also promoted the Stones and Prince and many other household names. John’s a hustler with a sense of humor, he tells a good story, and if you want to know what it takes to make it in concert […]