Archive for 2018/08


It’s dark here. In more ways than one. Trumpers would freak out. I was the only Anglo in my section on the plane, and when I went through security… There was a guy in one of those white suits which rednecks would call a dress and one thing’s for sure, I’m not in Kansas anymore. […]

You’re On Your Own

There is no brass ring. There is no gold star. All the trappings of making it in the past are gone. Today, you make it in your own mind, and that’s all that counts. The scoreboard has been blown apart. And we don’t even pay attention to the same statistics. You’re charting your own course. […]

Panic! At The Disco At Staples

I didn’t see you there. This band is completely under the radar, yet their entire tour went clean, the upper deck at Staples was full, what was going on? I’m not sure I can tell you, but the girls got it, they understand, they were in attendance and… They knew every word. It’s not like […]


Hey nineteen That’s ‘Retha Franklin She don’t remember the Queen of Soul That was recorded by Steely Dan in 1980, when Aretha already appeared to be in the rearview mirror. But she wasn’t. Forget the forgettable Arista hits, but remember her appearances on the Grammys, at Obama’s inauguration and the Kennedy Center Honors. Aretha Franklin […]