Archive for 2016/12

The Cold

Comes after the storm. Did I ever tell you about the time I left part of my tongue on the T-bar at Stratton? That was back in December ’65, when they finally had snow, when Skylight Lodge was full and Christmas was not a bust. I started skiing in Bobby Hickey’s backyard. He lived down […]

The Snowstorm

Sometimes you have to be reminded where you came from. I grew up in Connecticut, when it used to snow, when every November you put on snow tires, before all season radials, before anyone had four wheel drive. You’d walk to school, the thought of being kidnapped never crossed one’s mind, if anything you planned […]

This Year’s Lessons

Stuff happens to interrupt your plans. The more you look into the future, the more you’ll be interrupted by the present. Screw be here now, screw mindfulness, just know that life is about unexpected interruptions, and the older you get the more they relate to health. While you’re thinking about achievement, nature is throwing a […]

Your Top Songs 2016

Your Top Songs 2016 – Spotify Actually, it’s MY top songs. I just opened the Spotify app on my iPhone (a 7, you did see the $650 rebate for the 6, right? Verizon had it, AT&T too, I got a brand new device for essentially nothing…well, I upgraded to a Plus, and accounting for the […]