Archive for 2016/06


The Water Let’s You In (Bloodline Main Title Theme) – Spotify Book Of Fears – The Water Let’s You In (Bloodline Theme) – YouTube Do you have family secrets? Stuff everybody knows but no one talks about, that you’re fearful would doom you if it saw the light of day? Blood is thicker than water […]


They promised us one more thing, and all we got were emojis. It was like listening to a new album from a faded rock star, all style and no substance. This is about leadership. And tech. And the need for us to have something or someone to believe in. Despite the glorification of the self, […]


We’re leaving eight billion dollars on the table! You’ve got to listen to Michael Rapino on Peter Kafka’s podcast. Or maybe not, you haven’t got that much time and don’t care but then you can’t get a ticket to the show and need a scapegoat and denigrate Ticketmaster and illustrate your lack of knowledge and […]

Steph Curry

This is what we need in music. I swore off the NBA. It was an unmitigated time suck, TV crack, once you stated watching the playoffs you couldn’t tune out. I spent months in the nineties watching Michael Jordan, after wasting way too much time viewing the shenanigans of Magic and Bird before that. But […]