Archive for 2014/10

Luke Bryan At The Hollywood Bowl

Oh my God, this is my song I’ve been listening to the radio all night long I couldn’t believe it was really him. I know I rail against albums, I know I decry the state of modern music, but the truth is I know every lick on Luke Bryan’s “Crash My Party” and I’ve been […]

Jack Bruce

And we always thought Ginger Baker would die first. Clapton might be God, but there was no Cream without Jack Bruce. He was the one who sang most of the songs. If he’d found his Delaney Bramlett maybe he too would be a household name instead of a footnote. That’s right, Eric had his instincts, […]

Why Is John Oliver So Good?

1. He tells a story. America is built on narrative. Although BuzzFeed has made inroads, it’s got no soul and no true fans, because the way you make people bond to you is by going deep, by hooking them and drawing them in like an angler lands a fish. You can’t be too aggressive, you […]

This Week’s SoundScan

1. Florida Georgia Line “Anything Goes” 197,000 copies They’re a singles act until proven otherwise. As it should be. Where was it written that fans should fall all over you as soon as you debut? In the old days you sold singles until people believed in you, then they partook of the album, the concept […]