Archive for 2014/10

It’s All About The Data

1. DIY is done. You need a partner who knows the game. 2. The game is trolling for fans on social media. Today it’s Facebook, Twitter gives few results, tomorrow it may be __________. 3. Established companies have ongoing relationships with Facebook and Spotify, all the data generators. And these entities share the data with […]


Do you feel manipulated? Excuse me for writing about Taylor Swift’s “1989,” but it’s all the press is talking about this week, and that saddens me. The way both traditional and so called new media outlets are reporting this nonstory as if it matters. Then again, we live in the land of Ebolamania, but at […]

Is Apple Pay Bigger Than 1989?

It’s cool, disruptive and completely unexpected. Taylor Swift’s new album? No, APPLE PAY! And you wonder why musicians get no respect. That’s right, while Taylor Swift is busy cozying up to corporations, making sure her message gets out, Apple is competing with corporations and its users are up in arms complaining that CVS and Rite-Aid […]

Today’s Rules

SINGABILITY/CATCHABILITY You want to create an earworm, something that gets into someone’s head that they can’t get out. Doesn’t matter if it’s stupid, it’s just got to be addictive. DANCEABILITY If it can’t be played at the club, if it doesn’t induce booty-shaking, you’re on the wrong track. MAKE IT SHORT So people repeat it […]