Archive for 2013/08

You Wanna Own It

That’s what’s wrong with today’s marketing, it doesn’t allow for percolation, it doesn’t allow for growth, it believes the instant smash is more powerful than the long term build, that if everybody knows your name right away you’ve made it, when just the opposite is true. I can’t get over “House Of Cards.” I live […]

The Light

I know, I know, this newsletter is ostensibly about music, but have you noticed the light? Not the one from the Led Zeppelin song, but the one outside. Every summer, it’s on one specific day, at least here in Southern California, where the light changes. Oh, I know that’s not how it works, that the […]

Audeze LCD2

You’re not gonna pay for these and neither did I but they’re the most fantastic listening experience you’ll have all year. For so long music has been tinny and compressed, what if there were a device that could add humanity and warmth to the sound? Oh, don’t go all technical on me, telling me you […]


“Life is like that. There’s always more, always a reveal.” Cheryl Strayed I contemplate suicide now and again. Not as much as I used to, in college, back before people knew how dangerous higher education was and a safety net/mental health infrastructure was required, and the decade thereafter, when I was trying to find myself […]