Archive for 2013/01

Palmer & Gaiman

That’s a PERK! My inbox is blowing up with the sour grapes people complaining that Amanda Palmer owes her success to her “millionaire” husband Neil Gaiman. As if she courted him from infancy and rode his coattails to notoriety and riches. To quote a Who song you probably don’t know, and should, “it don’t really […]

Amanda Palmer

Is a modern day star. How did Amanda Palmer get to where she is now? By working all the time. By networking. By putting her fans first. By maintaining her fan relationship 24/7. Amanda Palmer is not for everybody. Just for her fans. But that’s enough for her to raise a million dollars on Kickstarter. […]

New York Times On Streaming

As Music Streaming Grows, Royalties Slow to a Trickle No one ever reads to the end. Wherein it is stated, by both Cliff Burnstein and Don Passman, paragons of the old model, that the future’s so bright they gotta wear shades. Isn’t it funny that the artists are bitching about Spotify. You didn’t hear them […]

The Prince Track

Screw Driver 1. It’s FANTASTIC! 2. Rule number one in today’s online, media overload world is…YOU HAVE TO WANT TO PLAY IT AGAIN! And if you don’t want to hear “Screw Driver” again as soon as it’s over, you’ve got no genitals…and no ears. 3. That’s the new definition of fantastic. It’s a knee-jerk reaction. […]