Archive for 2012/12

Fleetwood Mac On The Road

What if they toured and no one cared? They’ve gone back to the well so many times, burned out so many markets, that to think they’re just gonna put tickets up for sale and sell out is to believe the Democrats and Republicans are gonna settle their financial disagreements by the end of the day. […]

The Future Of Digital (Slide Deck)

The Future Of Digital (Slide Deck) I would tweet this… But then almost none of you would see it. Despite Twitter telling me I’ve got in excess of 48,000 followers, unless I break news of a tragedy, I don’t have the attention/addiction rate of my e-mail list. So despite being wary of sending you a […]

Everybody Knows

EVERYBODY KNOWS 1. Most tweets go unread. Just because you tweet, don’t expect your followers to see it. Few view their feed comprehensively. They check in and check out. Catching only bits and pieces. Even forgetting your fake and dormant followers, which are voluminous, far fewer than fifty percent of your followers see one of […]

The BBC Singles Show

“The Joy Of The Single” My first single was “Martian Hop,” by the Ran-Dells. I heard it on my transistor. Probably WABC. I needed to own it. I begged my mother to take me to the store to buy it. You didn’t have access to shops in the suburbs, you were reliant on the transportation […]