Archive for 2012/12

Recordings Not Live

Used to be you practiced in your parents’ garage, got gigs and eventually recorded. The recording was the icing on the cake. Now it’s reversed. Now you record first, and you may never ever play a gig. First and foremost because there’s nowhere to play. Second, no one wants to pay. Third, no one wants […]

Rules Of The Road/Changing Your Mind

RULES OF THE ROAD 1. Get the new gear, don’t deplore it. Not only every plug-in, but every music service. If you’re not exploring the future, you’re going to be left behind. If you don’t have an iPhone or Android, if your computer doesn’t use the latest operating system, if you don’t have a tablet, […]

12/12/12 Ticket Fiasco

This is hysterical! They’re trying to SHAME scalpers into doing the right thing! While they’re at it, why don’t they tell heroin addicts they’re despicable parasites and file-traders they’re ruining music. The effort would be just as successful. One thing you’ve got to know about politicians…they’re CLUELESS! Obama wins the election by employing young ‘uns […]

Rhinofy-Unheralded Cheap Trick

1. “Mandocello” We might as well start at the beginning. With the debut. Which got little traction and I must admit I did not buy first. Produced by Jack Douglas, it’s got a different feel from the Tom Werman stuff. It’s more raucous, earthier. And to the degree anybody still references it it’s because of […]