Archive for 2012/10


1. No one is waiting for your album. 2. Social networking is not about driving momentary sales but creating a relationship. That’s your new role. To be available and in touch with your audience each and every day. To be a land mine that someone can step on if they suddenly hear about you. Think […]

Soho House

“The geeks all want to be rock stars and the rock stars all want to be geeks.” And they all meet at the Soho House. If you want to pose, if you want to be seen, save your money, your membership is worthless. But if you’re a thirtysomething and networking is your thing, this is […]

The Needle

I’m watching the Jeff Lynne documentary, I recorded it from Palladia. And I’d like to recommend it, but it’s kind of like the rock bios, Keith Richards does a good one and then everybody jumps on the bandwagon and there are too many, most are not good enough and you end up ignoring all of […]

David Brooks On Relationships

Who you marry is the most important decision you’ll make in life. I’d be lying if I said I was a David Brooks fan. It’s not because he signed off from my newsletter, it’s because he’s a conservative. And that sticks in my craw. Paul Krugman, Brooks’s counterpart on the Opinion page of the “New […]