Archive for 2012/03

That Goldman Sachs Op-Ed

"Make the client the focal point of your business again. Without clients you will not make money. In fact, you will not exist." "Why I Am Leaving Goldman Sachs" EMI Music Publishing doesn’t pay royalties. I know this firsthand. Let’s forget the issue of underpaying, on certain tracks they don’t account at all. And the […]


Am I the only one who doesn’t want to sign up for Facebook in order to use Spotify, Vevo and god knows what’s next? I’m not on Facebook. Oh, I’ve got a fake account so I can be up to speed, but I’ve got no desire to hook up with every girl I ever dated […]

Peter Bergman

We’ve been shooting reds and yellows all day… The night before my first college vacation I went with my friend Larry to the Batts, to visit his girlfriend Karen, whom he’d met the second day of school. It didn’t last. But it went on a good long time. They turned out to be opposites. She […]

Rhinofy-Guilty Pleasures

"I Love You Always Forever"Donna Lewis Some tracks you’re not supposed to like, but you LOVE THEM! And this is one of them… It’s that sound that begins at :39, like a synth running over the hills. It excites you, takes you out of this world and puts a smile on your face. And the […]