Archive for 2011/11

CD Replacement Revenue

So I’m reading about the police clearing Zuccotti Park and I’m thinking we already had our protest in the music industry. And the public won. Back before MTV reared its dominant head, we could count on the acts to keep the labels in line. Tom Petty famously filed for bankruptcy rather than be treated like […]

The Most Important Article You Will Read This Week

Newspapers’ Digital Apostle We are not going back to the past. Both artists and rights holders are guilty of reminiscing about the days of yore and doing their best to put the brakes on the future to maintain their old business paradigm. Let me put it simply. Was it better for the labels to sue […]

We Can’t Make It Here

Versions make a difference, production makes a difference. My friend Marty Winsch manages Corey Smith, who wrote a great song about drugs. No, let me change that, he wrote an INCREDIBLE song about drugs. Hearing it live I was enraptured and converted. I told Marty they should switch singles, that this was the track. They […]

The Other F Word

First we watched "Senna". Formula One is close to meaningless in America, but the longer you watch this movie the more you get hooked. By the spectacle, the racing, the athleticism. Ayrton Senna wins the Brazilian Grand Prix and passes out, it was just that much of an effort, just that draining. Walking through the […]