Archive for 2011/07

We Must Be Superstars

We Must Be Superstars I cannot stop thinking about this article. The dirty little secret is it’s hard to read on a computer screen. An iPad too. The backlighting makes it so our eyes glaze over, we scan for the essence and then move on. Ever read the same article in the newspaper, the physical […]

Fitz & The Tantrums At The Music Box

Next stop, THE HOLLYWOOD BOWL! It was wonderful. Like most new things, stuff everybody suddenly becomes enamored of, Fitz & The Tantrums are hiding in plain sight. You’re gonna love ’em, you just don’t know about ’em yet. Sure, the music is retro. But it’s not a rip-off, not a compendium of samples, but brand […]


So I’m sitting in a studio in Glendale and the engineer/producer/owner tells me the only good thing he’s heard in years is Carney. Huh? But the lead singer was too good-looking, he gave up and went to Broadway, he’s the lead in "Spider-Man". Huh? I feel like James is speaking a foreign language, then he […]

Gaga On Stern

I got it. Howard was at his worst. He was demonstrating the nerdy geekiness he references constantly but rarely evidences. Howard can be confident around porn stars, but get him in front of a real woman and he gets nervous and uptight, asks stupid questions, is so sycophantic as to make one puke. The star […]