Archive for 2011/06

Read This Book!

"Anything You Want" by Derek Sivers This book is so good, so chock full of nuggets, that I had to stop reading it and e-mail you, even though Derek says it will only take an hour to finish. Derek is you.  An outsider.  Who’s not trying to be an insider, just looking to find a […]

The Stealer

Who’s gonna have a hit with this song? I was combing the blogs for bootlegs and I found this album by Bettye LaVette, a compilation of cuts from decades ago, most unreleased, and there in the track listing was "The Stealer". One of the most famous tracks in rock and roll was never a hit […]

They Should Pay Full Price

If music is free, should concerts be too? How the hell are you going to build a devoted fan base if you’re ripping off your audience? Apple doesn’t discount and neither should you. 1. Play an appropriately-sized building. You look like a star when people can’t get in, that inspires them to buy tickets early […]

MySpace Sale

News Corp. Sells Myspace for a Song Now does Tom Freston get his job back? Remember, Sumner Redstone was mad that MTV didn’t buy MySpace, that Rupert Murdoch/News Corp. moved so quickly and stole it from underneath their noses. But what was the true value of MySpace? That’s an interesting question. You’ve got to follow […]