Archive for 2010/11

Re-Terry Ellis

Re-Terry Ellis Dear Bob, Back in the day before Chrysalis Records there was the Ellis-Wright Organization with a small office, I believe at 123 Regents St. with just Chris and Terry and their secretary Rose.  I knew them through Mike Vernon, my partner and founder of Blue Horizon Records original home to Peter Greene’s Fleetwood […]

“Can’t Find My Way Home” Contest

Fuck the contest, you’ve GOT to dial up this solo acoustic version of the Blind Faith classic by Stevie Winwood, it’s truly JAW-DROPPING! Sure, he hasn’t lost his voice, but what will truly blow your mind is the picking.  The video looks like the track sounds, him wearing that jacket sitting by the hearth.  There’s […]

Adele “Rolling In The Deep”

This is so on the right track I couldn’t help but tell you. Give Rick Rubin credit.  He’s searching for quality seemingly uninterested in trends/the Top Forty, and as result he can create something truly great.  Not everything he does hits, not everything he does is classic, but the sound of this track is so […]

E-Mail Of The Day

From: Terry EllisRE: Who Will Stand Up To The Superrich? Hello Bob, I have been reading your newsletters for a couple of months now. I enjoy your views and admire the passion and energy which motivates you to write this stuff every day! Below you say, "Tell me.  Who is the young new record label […]