Archive for 2010/11

Don Ross “Crazy”

Don Ross: CRAZY (Gnarls Barkley) I like this.  I did not at first.  At the beginning, I thought it was pedestrian, just another guy looking to get famous doing a cover. Then, he hit the chorus and I started to get this feeling inside, around the :42 mark, it was like catching someone’s eye across […]

Malcolm Holcombe

Whoa! I’m sitting here trying to catch up on e-mail before I hit the rain-soaked freeway and the tonality of the following e-mail, the humble quality, the fact that this guy said he was just about to give up in light of the brilliance of the linked performer made me click through. Bob, Not sure […]

Social Media

It all comes down to who you know. Are you an entrepreneur or an employee?  If you plan on being an employee, you’re gonna have to know a lot of people and have a good rep, or you won’t be able to get a job. There’s a fascinating story in Thursday’s "New York Times" about […]

The Beatles Movie

Ringo’s a revelation! Somehow, the Beatles coming to iTunes has become a business story, but that band was always about the music.  The mania came after.  The sheer joy of playing in a group, of living your life for music, not money, was the genesis.  Watching this film you can see right through the images […]