Archive for 2010/08


I know I’m overloading you.  It’s just that I’m crawling out of an emotional hole and I’ve got a desire for contact and when I write something mediocre it leaves a bad taste in my mouth and I instantly want to replace it with something better… Anyway, I spent most of the day catching up […]

Just A Little More Crowded House

I want to tell you about this one magical interlude, when Neil Finn’s guitar wouldn’t work. That was a regular staple of the show, Mr. Finn switching guitars.  But this time, the new axe made no sound. At all.  To the point where a roadie entered from stage right and got down on his hands […]

Crowded House At Club Nokia

It was like Taylor Swift for adults. You know how you go to Taylor’s show and all the little girls sing along?  It was JUST LIKE THAT, only everyone in attendance had reached puberty. A chill went up my spine as they started to play.  This was genuine music, Neil Finn in his skinny tie […]

Stuck Like Glue

Stuck Like Glue I’m a big believer that "Love Shack" was a giant hit because of the sheer, unmitigated joy of Kate Pierson in the video. Yes, it’s hard to separate the clip from the hit, at least it was back in the days of MTV, when we all watched and were all addicted.  Now […]