Archive for 2010/02

Killing Classic Rock Overnight

Bruce Springsteen may be haggard, a bit worse for wear, but it befits his ethos, I’m just a hardworking journeyman telling the tales of the working man.  He wants to appear vibrant, alive, still in the creative mode.  He even puts out new albums. Same deal with Paul McCartney.  He dyes his hair, but wants […]

Jamie Kitman

I don’t even know what kind of Bentley this was.  Other than it was white, had four wheel drive and 660 horsepower. Jamie Kitman.  Do you know him? I do.  He’s the irascible dude in "Automobile" magazine.  The contrarian who occasionally opines on the Op-Ed page of the "New York Times", about the fallacy of […]

Saving Taylor Swift

I took a chance, I took a shotAnd you might think I’m bulletproof, but I’m not Silence. It’s always worst in a crisis.  Just ask Tiger Woods. Johnson & Johnson wrote the book on this, with Tylenol.  Remember the capsules with cyanide?  No? Proves the point.  J&J admitted fault, even though the company was not […]


After breaking my leg, I moved into a house on Peony Way, in the cinder block suburbs, 103 streets south of the Temple, in the heart of The City of Salt. That’s what we called it.  We outsiders, we Jews, "The City of Salt".  It gave us some distance, prevented us from being swallowed up […]