Archive for 2007/08

More Free

Like a fading movie, losing its theaters and failing to eke out a high gross, Paul McCartney’s "Memory Almost Full" is sliding down the chart, plunging to number 104 last week, with 6,821 copies sold for a grand total of 511,488. In other words, "Memory Almost Full" is not going to break 600,000. It’s going […]


Springsteen’s new album should be free. If you’re signing a long term contract with a record label, you’re a fucking idiot. Expect the music business to turn into the movie business VERY quickly. If you’re involved with a company, it’s going to be a ONE-OFF! Kind of like Garth made a deal with Wal-Mart and […]

Coming Up

Too bad THIS wasn’t on the Starbucks album. If you want to know what it was like seeing Paul McCartney at Amoeba, buy THIS! At the iTunes Store. Could it be that after famously retiring from the road, Paul McCartney is our greatest live act? Better than not only Metallica and Al Green, but the […]

Taylor Swift/Tim McGraw

In a couple of weeks we’re going to see Justin Timberlake dance and rappers recite indecipherable lyrics to backup tapes as girls scream as instructed by the producers at the MTV Video Music Awards. You can already see the billboards. There will be an incredible press run-up. The winners will be paraded all over the […]